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gmns General Modeling Network Specification (GMNS)

  • description The General Modeling Network Specification (GMNS) defines a common machine (and human) readable format for sharing routable road network files. It is designed to be used in multi-modal static and dynamic transportation planning and operations models.
  • homepage
  • version 0.96
  • description A link is an edge in a network, defined by the nodes it travels from and to. It may have associated geometry information. Links have three types of attributes:
    - Those that define the physical location of the link (e.g., shape information, length, width)
    - Those that define the link's directionality: from_node, to_node
    - Those that define properties in the direction of travel: capacity, free flow speed, number of lanes, permitted uses, grade, facility type
  • path link.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['link_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['from_node_id']
      • reference
      • resource node
      • fields ['node_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['to_node_id']
      • reference
      • resource node
      • fields ['node_id']
    • [3]
      • fields ['geometry_id']
      • reference
      • resource geometry
      • fields ['geometry_id']
    • [4]
      • fields ['parent_link_id']
      • reference
      • resource
      • fields ['link_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset
  • description Primary key - could be SharedStreets Reference ID
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Optional. Street or Path Name
  • type string


  • description Required. Origin Node
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Destination Node
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Whether the link is directed (travel only occurs from the from_node to the to_node) or undirected.
  • type boolean
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Optional. Foreign key (Link_Geometry table).
  • type any


  • description Optional. Link geometry, in well-known text (WKT) format. Optionally, other formats supported by geopandas (GeoJSON, PostGIS) may be used if specified in geometry_field_format in gmns.spec.json
  • type any
  • description Optional. The parent of this link. For example,for a sidewalk, this is the adjacent road.
  • type any


  • description Optional.
    1 shapepoints go from from_node to to_node;
    -1 shapepoints go in the reverse direction;
    0 link is undirected or no geometry information is provided.
  • type integer


  • description Optional. Length of the link in long_length units
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description % grade, negative is downhill
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • maximum 100
    • minimum -100


  • description Facility type (e.g., freeway, arterial, etc.)
  • type string


  • description Optional. Saturation capacity (passenger car equivalents / hr / lane)
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description Optional. Free flow speed, units defined by config file
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • maximum 200


  • description Optional. Number of permanent lanes (not including turn pockets) in the direction of travel open to motor vehicles. It does not include bike lanes, shoulders or parking lanes.
  • type integer
  • constraints:


  • description Optional. Types of bicycle accommodation based on the National Bikeway Network Data Template (Table 1-A at
  • type string


  • description Optional. Type of pedestrian accommodation: unknown, none, shoulder, sidewalk, offstreet path
  • type string


  • description Optional. Type of parking: unknown, none, parallel, angle, other
  • type string


  • description Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Toll on the link, in currency units.
  • type number


  • description Optional. Owner/operator of the link.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Width (short_length units) of the entire right-of-way (both directions).
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description A list of vertices that locate points on a map. Typically, they will represent intersections, but may also represent other points, such as a transition between divided and undivided highway. Nodes are the endpoints of a link (as opposed to the other type of vertex, location, which is used to represent points along a link)
  • path node.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['node_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['zone_id']
      • reference
      • resource zone
      • fields ['zone_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['parent_node_id']
      • reference
      • resource
      • fields ['node_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • type string


  • description Coordinate system specified in config file (longitude, UTM-easting etc.)
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Coordinate system specified in config file (latitude, UTM-northing etc.)
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Optional. Altitude in short_length units.
  • type number


  • description Optional. What it represents (intersection, transit station, park & ride).
  • type string


  • description Optional. Intersection control type - one of ControlType_Set.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Could be a Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ) or city, or census tract, or census block.
  • type any


  • description Optional. Associated node. For example, if this node is a sidewalk, a parent_nodek_id could represent the intersection it is associated with.
  • type any


  • description The geometry is an optional file that contains geometry information (shapepoints) for a line object. It is similar to Geometries in the SharedStreets reference system. The specification also allows for geometry information to be stored directly on the link table.
  • path geometry.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['geometry_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key - could be SharedStreets Geometry ID
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Link geometry, in well-known text (WKT) format. Optionally, other formats supported by geopandas (GeoJSON, PostGIS) may be used if specified in geometry_field_format in gmns.spec.json.
  • type any


  • description The lane file allocates portions of the physical right-of-way that might be used for travel. It might be a travel lane, bike lane, or a parking lane. Lanes only are included in directed links; undirected links are assumed to have no lane controls or directionality. If a lane is added, dropped, or changes properties along the link, those changes are recorded on the segment_link table. Lanes are numbered sequentially, starting at either the centerline (two-way street) or the left shoulder (one-way street or divided highway with two centerlines).
  • path lane.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['lane_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True
  • description Required. Foreign key to link table.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. e.g., -1, 1, 2 (use left-to-right numbering). By convention, the left-most through lane is 1. Left-turn lanes have negative numbers
  • type integer
  • constraints:
    • required True
    • minimum -10
    • maximum 10


  • description Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
    - none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
    - regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
    - physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
    - none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
    - regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
    - physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Width of the lane, short_length units.
  • type number
  • constraints:
  • description Handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on links
  • path link_tod.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['link_tod_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['timeday_id']
      • reference
      • resource time_set_definitions
      • fields ['timeday_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset
  • description Primary key
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True
  • description Required. Foreign key, link table
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). Foreign key to time_set_definitions.
  • type any


  • description Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times.
  • type string


  • description Optional.Saturation capacity (pce / hr / lane)
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description Optional. Free flow speed in long_distance units per hour
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • maximum 200


  • description Optional. Number of permanent lanes (not including turn pockets) in the direction of travel open to motor vehicles. It does not include bike lanes, shoulders or parking lanes.
  • type integer
  • constraints:


  • description Optional. Types of bicycle accommodation based on the National Bikeway Network Data Template (Table 1-A at
  • type string


  • description Optional. Type of pedestrian accommodation: unknown, none, shoulder, sidewalk, offstreet path
  • type string


  • description Optional. Type of parking: unknown, none, parallel, angle, other
  • type string


  • description Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.
  • type string


  • description toll in currency units.
  • type number


  • description A location is a vertex that is associated with a specific location along a link. Locations may be used to represent places where activities occur (e.g., driveways and bus stops). Its attributes are nearly the same as those for a node, except that the location includes an associated link and node, with location specified as distance along the link from the node.
  • path location.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['loc_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['ref_node_id']
      • reference
      • resource node
      • fields ['node_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key. Location ID.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True
  • description Required. Road Link ID. Foreign Key from Road_Link.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. The From node of the link. Foreign Key from Node.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Linear Reference of the location, measured as distance in short_length units along the link from the reference node. If link_geometry exists, it is used. Otherwise, link geometry is assumed to be a crow-fly distance from A node to B node.
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Optional. Either provided, or derived from Link, Ref_Node and LR.
  • type number


  • description Optional. Either provided, or derived from Link, Ref_Node and LR.
  • type number


  • description Optional. Altitude in short_length units.
  • type number


  • description Optional. What it represents (driveway, bus stop, etc.) OpenStreetMap map feature names are recommended.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Foreign Key, Associated zone
  • type any


  • description Optional. Foreign Key to GTFS data. For bus stops and transit station entrances, provides a link to the General Transit Feed Specification.
  • type string


  • description Describes how inbound and outbound links connect at an intersection.
  • path movement.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['mvmt_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['node_id']
      • reference
      • resource node
      • fields ['node_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['ib_link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • [3]
      • fields ['ob_link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description The node representing the junction.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Optional.
  • type string
  • description Inbound link id.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Innermost lane number the movement applies to at the inbound end.
  • type integer


  • description Outermost lane number the movement applies to at the inbound end. Blank indicates a movement with a single inbound lane.
  • type integer
  • description Outbound link id.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Innermost lane number the movement applies to at the outbound end.
  • type integer


  • description Outermost lane number the movement applies to at the outbound end. Blank indicates a movement with a single outbound lane.
  • type integer


  • description Optional. Describes the type of movement (left, right, thru, etc.).
  • type string
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Turn penalty (seconds)
  • type number


  • description Saturation capacity in passenger car equivalents per hour.
  • type number


  • description Optional. .
  • type string


  • description Optional. Movement code (e.g., SBL). Syntax is DDTN, where DD is the direction (e.g., SB, NB, EB, WB, NE, NW, SE, SW). T is the turning movement (e.g., R, L, T) and N is an optional turning movement number (e.g., distinguishing between bearing right and a sharp right at a 6-way intersection)
  • type string


  • description Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Movement geometry, in well-known text (WKT) format. Optionally, other formats supported by geopandas (GeoJSON, PostGIS) may be used if specified in geometry_field_format in gmns.spec.json
  • type any


  • description Handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on movements.
  • path movement_tod.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['mvmt_tod_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['mvmt_id']
      • reference
      • resource movement
      • fields ['mvmt_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['timeday_id']
      • reference
      • resource time_set_definitions
      • fields ['timeday_id']
    • [3]
      • fields ['ib_link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • [4]
      • fields ['ob_link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description The referenced movement.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Time of day in XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM format, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times.
  • type string


  • description Time of day set. Used if times-of-day are defined on the time_set_definitions table
  • type any
  • description Inbound link id.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Innermost lane number the movement applies to at the inbound end.
  • type integer


  • description Outermost lane number the movement applies to at the inbound end. Blank indicates a movement with a single inbound lane.
  • type integer
  • description Outbound link id.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Innermost lane number the movement applies to at the outbound end.
  • type integer


  • description Outermost lane number the movement applies to at the outbound end. Blank indicates a movement with a single outbound lane.
  • type integer


  • description Optional. Describes the type of movement (left, right, thru, etc.).
  • type string
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Turn penalty (seconds)
  • type number


  • description Saturation capacity in passenger car equivalents per hour.
  • type number


  • description Optional. .
  • type any


  • description Optional. Movement code (e.g., SBL). Syntax is DDTN, where DD is the direction (e.g., SB, NB, EB, WB, NE, NW, SE, SW). T is the turning movement (e.g., R, L, T) and N is an optional turning movement number (e.g., distinguishing between bearing right and a sharp right at a 6-way intersection)
  • type string


  • description Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.
  • type string


  • description The Use_Definition file defines the characteristics of each vehicle type or non-travel purpose (e.g., a shoulder or parking lane). A two-way left turn lane (TWLTL) is also a use.
  • path use_definition.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['use']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key
  • type string
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required.
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Passenger car equivalent.
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Optional.
  • type string


  • description Optional
  • type string


  • description Defines groupings of uses, to reduce the size of the allowed_uses lists in the other tables.
  • path use_group.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['use_group']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type string
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Comma-separated list of uses.
  • type string
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Optional.
  • type string


  • description The time_set_definitions file is an optional representation of time-of-day and day-of-week sets to enable time restrictions through _tod files.
  • path time_set_definitions.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['timeday_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.Primary key, similar to service_id in GTFS. Unique name of the time of day. Preferable legible rather than a number.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Whether Mondays are included.
  • type boolean
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Whether Tuesdays are included.
  • type boolean
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Whether Wednesdays are included.
  • type boolean
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Whether Thursdays are included.
  • type boolean
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Whether Fridays are included.
  • type boolean
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Whether Saturdays are included.
  • type boolean
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Whether Sundays are included.
  • type boolean
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Whether holidays are included.
  • type boolean
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Start time in HH:MM format.
  • type time
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. End time in HH:MM format.
  • type time
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description A portion of a link defined by link_id,ref_node_id, start_lr, and end_lr. Values in the segment will override they value specified in the link table. When one segment is fully contained within another, its value prevails.
  • path segment.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['segment_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['ref_node_id']
      • reference
      • resource node
      • fields ['node_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True
  • description Required. Foreign key to road_links. The link that the segment is located on.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Foreign key to node where distance is 0.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Distance from ref_node_id in short_length units.
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Distance from ref_node_idin short_length units.
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description % grade, negative is downhill
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • maximum 100
    • minimum -100


  • description Optional. Saturation capacity (pce/hr/ln)
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description Optional. Free flow speed, units defined by config file
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • maximum 200


  • description Optional. Number of lanes in the direction of travel (must be consistent with link lanes + lanes added).
  • type integer


  • description Optional. # of lanes added on the left of the road link (negative indicates a lane drop).
  • type integer


  • description Optional. # of lanes added on the right of the road link (negative indicates a lane drop).
  • type integer


  • description Optional. Types of bicycle accommodation based on the National Bikeway Network Data Template (Table 1-A at
  • type string


  • description Optional. Type of pedestrian accommodation:unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Type of parking: unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Toll on the segment, in currency units.
  • type number


  • description Optional. Optional. Owner/operator of the segment.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Width (short_length units) of the entire right-of-way (both directions).
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description Defines added and dropped lanes, and changes to lane parameters. If a lane is added, it has no parent. If it is changed or dropped, the parent_lane_id field keys to the associated lane on the lane table.
  • path segment_lane.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['segment_lane_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['segment_id']
      • reference
      • resource segment
      • fields ['segment_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Foreign key to the associated segment.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. -1, 1, 2 (use left-to-right numbering). 0 signifies a lane that is dropped on the segment.
  • type integer
  • constraints:
    • required True
    • minimum -10
    • maximum 10


  • description Optional. If a lane drops or changes characteristics on the segment, the lane_id for that lane.
  • type any


  • description Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right (default is none)
  • type string


  • description Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the left (default is none)
  • type string


  • description Optional. Width of the lane (short_length units)
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description The signal controller is associated with an intersection or a cluster of intersections.
  • path signal_controller.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['controller_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Establishes coordination for several signal controllers, associated with a timing_plan.
  • path signal_coordination.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['coordination_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['timing_plan_id']
      • reference
      • resource signal_timing_plan
      • fields ['timing_plan_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['controller_id']
      • reference
      • resource signal_controller
      • fields ['controller_id']
    • [3]
      • fields ['coord_contr_id']
      • reference
      • resource signal_controller
      • fields ['controller_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Foreign key (Signal_timing_plan table).
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Foreign key (signal_controller table).
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Optional. For coordinated signals, the master signal controller for coordination.
  • type any


  • description Optional. For coordinated signals, the phase at which coordination starts (time 0).
  • type integer
  • constraints:
    • maximum 32


  • description Optional. For coordinated signals, the part of the phase where coordination starts: begin_of_green, begin_of_yellow, begin_of_red.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Offset in seconds.
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description Associates Movements and pedestrian Links (e.g., crosswalks) with signal phases. A signal phase may be associated with several movements. A Movement may also run on more than one phase.
  • path signal_phase_mvmt.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['signal_phase_mvmt_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['timing_phase_id']
      • reference
      • resource signal_timing_phase
      • fields ['timing_phase_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['mvmt_id']
      • reference
      • resource movement
      • fields ['mvmt_id']
    • [3]
      • fields ['link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Associated entry in the timing phase table.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Foreign key. Either Movement_ID (for phases used by vehicles), or Link_id (for phases used by pedestrians) is required.
  • type any
  • description Foreign key. Either Movement_ID (for phases used by vehicles), or Link_id (for phases used by pedestrians) is required.
  • type any


  • description Optional. Indicates whether the phase is protected, permitted, or right turn on red.
  • type string


  • description For signalized nodes, establishes timing plans.
  • path signal_timing_plan.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['timing_plan_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['controller_id']
      • reference
      • resource signal_controller
      • fields ['controller_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['timeday_id']
      • reference
      • resource time_set_definitions
      • fields ['timeday_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Foreign key (signal_controller table).
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). Foreign key to time_set_definitions.
  • type any


  • description Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times.
  • type any


  • description Cycle length in seconds.
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • maximum 600


  • description For signalized nodes, provides signal timing and establishes phases that may run concurrently.
  • path signal_timing_phase.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['timing_phase_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['timing_plan_id']
      • reference
      • resource signal_timing_plan
      • fields ['timing_plan_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Foreign key; connects to a timing_plan associated with a controller.
  • type any


  • description Signal phase number. Typically the NEMA phase number.
  • type integer
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description The minimum green time in seconds for an actuated signal. Green time in seconds for a fixed time signal.
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description Optional.The maximum green time in seconds for an actuated signal; the default is minimum green plus one extension
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description Optional. The number of seconds the green time is extended each time vehicles are detected.
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • maximum 120


  • description Yellow interval plus all red interval
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • maximum 120


  • description If a pedestrian phase exists, the walk time in seconds
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • maximum 120


  • description If a pedestrian phase exists, the flashing don't walk time.
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • maximum 120


  • description Required. Phases that may operate sequentially. With dual rings, two non-conflicting phases may operate at the same time
  • type integer
  • constraints:
    • required True
    • maximum 12


  • description Required. Set of phases in both rings that must end at the same time
  • type integer
  • constraints:
    • required True
    • maximum 12


  • description Required. Position.
  • type integer
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description A signal detector is associated with a controller, a phase and a group of lanes.
  • path signal_detector.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['detector_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['controller_id']
      • reference
      • resource signal_controller
      • fields ['controller_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • [3]
      • fields ['ref_node_id']
      • reference
      • resource node
      • fields ['node_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Foreign key to signal_controller table.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Number of the associated phase.
  • type integer
  • constraints:
    • required True
  • description Foreign key. The link covered by the detector.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Left-most lane covered by the detector.
  • type integer
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Right-most lane covered by the detector (blank if only one lane).
  • type integer


  • description The detector is on the approach to this node.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Distance from from the stop bar to detector in short_length units.
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Optional. Linear reference of front of detection zone in short_length units.
  • type number


  • description Optional. Linear reference of back of detection zone in short_length units.
  • type number


  • description Optional. Type of detector.
  • type string


  • description An optional file that handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on segments. It is used for part-time changes in segment capacity and number of lanes.
  • path segment_tod.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['segment_tod_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['segment_id']
      • reference
      • resource segment
      • fields ['segment_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['timeday_id']
      • reference
      • resource time_set_definitions
      • fields ['timeday_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Foreign key to segment table.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). Foreign key to time_set_definitions.
  • type any


  • description Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Saturation capacity pce / hr / lane
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description Optional. Free flow speed in units defined by config file
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • maximum 200


  • description Optional. Number of lanes in the direction of travel (must be consistent with link lanes + lanes added).
  • type integer


  • description Optional. # of lanes added on the left of the road link (negative indicates a lane drop).
  • type integer


  • description Optional. # of lanes added on the right of the road link (negative indicates a lane drop).
  • type integer


  • description Optional. Types of bicycle accommodation based on the National Bikeway Network Data Template (Table 1-A at
  • type string


  • description Optional. Type of pedestrian accommodation: unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Type of parking: unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Toll in currency units
  • type number


  • description Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.
  • type string


  • description An optional file that handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on lanes that traverse entire links.
  • path lane_tod.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['lane_tod_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['lane_id']
      • reference
      • resource lane
      • fields ['lane_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['timeday_id']
      • reference
      • resource time_set_definitions
      • fields ['timeday_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Foreign key to lane
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). Foreign key to time_set_definitions.
  • type any


  • description Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times.
  • type string


  • description Required. Lane number identified as offset to the right from the centerline. i.e. -1, 1, 2 (use left-to-rightnumbering).
  • type integer
  • constraints:
    • required True
    • minimum -10
    • maximum 10


  • description Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
    - none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
    - Regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
    - Physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
    - none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
    - Regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
    - Physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Width of the lane, short_length units.
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description An optional file that handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on lanes within segments of links.
  • path segment_lane_tod.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['segment_lane_tod_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['segment_lane_id']
      • reference
      • resource segment_lane
      • fields ['segment_lane_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['timeday_id']
      • reference
      • resource time_set_definitions
      • fields ['timeday_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Foreign key, segment_lane table
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). Foreign key to time_set_definitions.
  • type any


  • description Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times.
  • type string


  • description Required. Lane number identified as offset to the right from the centerline. i.e. -1, 1, 2 (use left-to-rightnumbering).
  • type integer
  • constraints:
    • required True
    • minimum -10
    • maximum 10


  • description Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
    - none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
    - Regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
    - Physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
    - none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
    - Regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
    - Physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Width of the lane, short_length units.
  • type number
  • constraints:


  • description Locates zones (travel analysis zones, parcels) on a map. Zones are represented as polygons in geographic information systems.
  • path zone.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['zone_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['super_zone']
      • reference
      • resource
      • fields ['zone_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Optional.
  • type string


  • description Optional. The polygon geometry of the zone, as well-known text.
  • type any


  • description Optional. If there is a hierarchy of zones (e.g., parcels and TAZs), indicates the zone of next higher level.
  • type string


  • description Configuration information for the dataset (units, coordinate systems, etc.).
  • path config.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • fieldsMatch subset
    • numRows 1


  • description Name used to describe this GMNS network
  • type any


  • description Length unit used for lane/ROW widths and linear references for segments, locations, etc. along links
  • type any


  • description Length unit used for link lengths
  • type any


  • description Units for speed. Usually long_length units per hour
  • type any


  • description Coordinate system used for geometry data in this dataset. Preferably a string that can be accepted by pyproj (e.g., EPSG code or proj string)
  • type any


  • description The format used for geometry fields in the dataset. For example, WKT for files stored as plaintext
  • type any


  • description Currency used in toll fields
  • type any


  • description The version of the GMNS spec to which this dataset conforms
  • type number


  • description The type of primary key IDs for interopability (node_id, zone_id, etc.). May be enforced by user, database schema, or downstream software. Must be either string or integer.
  • type string
  • constraints:
    • enum ['string', 'integer']


  • description Provides a separate segment object for curbside regulations, which may change at different locations than segment-level changes to the travel lanes.
  • path curb_seg.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['curb_seg_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['ref_node_id']
      • reference
      • resource node
      • fields ['node_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset


  • description Primary key.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True
  • description Required. Foreign key to road_links. The link that the segment is located on.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Foreign key to node where distance is 0.
  • type any
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Distance from ref_node_id in short_length units.
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Required. Distance from ref_node_idin short_length units.
  • type number
  • constraints:
    • required True


  • description Optional. Regulation on this curb segment.
  • type string


  • description Optional. Width (short_length units) of the curb segment.
  • type number
  • constraints: