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  • description Handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on movements.
  • path movement_tod.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['mvmt_tod_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['mvmt_id']
      • reference
      • resource movement
      • fields ['mvmt_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['timeday_id']
      • reference
      • resource time_set_definitions
      • fields ['timeday_id']
    • [3]
      • fields ['ib_link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • [4]
      • fields ['ob_link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset
name type description constraints categories
mvmt_tod_id any Primary key. {'required': True}
mvmt_id any The referenced movement. {'required': True}
time_day string Time of day in XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM format, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times.
timeday_id any Time of day set. Used if times-of-day are defined on the time_set_definitions table
ib_link_id any Inbound link id. {'required': True}
start_ib_lane integer Innermost lane number the movement applies to at the inbound end.
end_ib_lane integer Outermost lane number the movement applies to at the inbound end. Blank indicates a movement with a single inbound lane.
ob_link_id any Outbound link id. {'required': True}
start_ob_lane integer Innermost lane number the movement applies to at the outbound end.
end_ob_lane integer Outermost lane number the movement applies to at the outbound end. Blank indicates a movement with a single outbound lane.
type string Optional. Describes the type of movement (left, right, thru, etc.). {'required': True} ['left', 'right', 'uturn', 'thru', 'merge']
penalty number Turn penalty (seconds)
capacity number Saturation capacity in passenger car equivalents per hour.
ctrl_type any Optional. . ['no_control', 'yield', 'stop', 'stop_2_way', 'stop_4_way', 'signal_with_RTOR', 'signal']
mvmt_code string Optional. Movement code (e.g., SBL). Syntax is DDTN, where DD is the direction (e.g., SB, NB, EB, WB, NE, NW, SE, SW). T is the turning movement (e.g., R, L, T) and N is an optional turning movement number (e.g., distinguishing between bearing right and a sharp right at a 6-way intersection)
allowed_uses string Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.