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  • description An optional file that handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on lanes within segments of links.
  • path segment_lane_tod.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['segment_lane_tod_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['segment_lane_id']
      • reference
      • resource segment_lane
      • fields ['segment_lane_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['timeday_id']
      • reference
      • resource time_set_definitions
      • fields ['timeday_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset
name type description constraints categories
segment_lane_tod_id any Primary key. {'required': True}
segment_lane_id any Required. Foreign key, segment_lane table {'required': True}
timeday_id any Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). Foreign key to time_set_definitions.
time_day string Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times.
lane_num integer Required. Lane number identified as offset to the right from the centerline. i.e. -1, 1, 2 (use left-to-rightnumbering). {'required': True, 'minimum': -10, 'maximum': 10}
allowed_uses string Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated.
r_barrier string Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
- none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
- Regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
- Physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
['none', 'regulatory', 'physical']
l_barrier string Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
- none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
- Regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
- Physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
['none', 'regulatory', 'physical']
width number Optional. Width of the lane, short_length units. {'minimum': 0}