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  • description Associates Movements and pedestrian Links (e.g., crosswalks) with signal phases. A signal phase may be associated with several movements. A Movement may also run on more than one phase.
  • path signal_phase_mvmt.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['signal_phase_mvmt_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['timing_phase_id']
      • reference
      • resource signal_timing_phase
      • fields ['timing_phase_id']
    • [2]
      • fields ['mvmt_id']
      • reference
      • resource movement
      • fields ['mvmt_id']
    • [3]
      • fields ['link_id']
      • reference
      • resource link
      • fields ['link_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset
name type description constraints categories
signal_phase_mvmt_id any Primary key. {'required': True}
timing_phase_id any Associated entry in the timing phase table. {'required': True}
mvmt_id any Foreign key. Either Movement_ID (for phases used by vehicles), or Link_id (for phases used by pedestrians) is required.
link_id any Foreign key. Either Movement_ID (for phases used by vehicles), or Link_id (for phases used by pedestrians) is required.
protection string Optional. Indicates whether the phase is protected, permitted, or right turn on red. ['protected', 'permitted', 'rtor']