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  • description For signalized nodes, provides signal timing and establishes phases that may run concurrently.
  • path signal_timing_phase.csv
  • schema
    • missingValues ['NaN', '']
    • primaryKey ['timing_phase_id']
    • foreignKeys
    • [1]
      • fields ['timing_plan_id']
      • reference
      • resource signal_timing_plan
      • fields ['timing_plan_id']
    • fieldsMatch subset
name type description constraints
timing_phase_id any Primary key. {'required': True}
timing_plan_id any Foreign key; connects to a timing_plan associated with a controller.
signal_phase_num integer Signal phase number. Typically the NEMA phase number. {'minimum': 0, 'required': True}
min_green number The minimum green time in seconds for an actuated signal. Green time in seconds for a fixed time signal. {'minimum': 0}
max_green number Optional.The maximum green time in seconds for an actuated signal; the default is minimum green plus one extension {'minimum': 0}
extension number Optional. The number of seconds the green time is extended each time vehicles are detected. {'minimum': 0, 'maximum': 120}
clearance number Yellow interval plus all red interval {'minimum': 0, 'maximum': 120}
walk_time number If a pedestrian phase exists, the walk time in seconds {'minimum': 0, 'maximum': 120}
ped_clearance number If a pedestrian phase exists, the flashing don't walk time. {'minimum': 0, 'maximum': 120}
ring integer Required. Phases that may operate sequentially. With dual rings, two non-conflicting phases may operate at the same time {'required': True, 'minimum': 0, 'maximum': 12}
barrier integer Required. Set of phases in both rings that must end at the same time {'required': True, 'minimum': 0, 'maximum': 12}
position integer Required. Position. {'required': True}