GMNS Schema

Schema for General Network Modeling Specification.

Files in Specification

GMNS consists of a package of files as defined in the following table.

The following table is automatically generated from gmns.spec.json

name description required
link A link is an edge in a network, defined by the nodes it travels from and to. It may have associated geometry information. Links have three types of attributes:
- Those that define the physical location of the link (e.g., shape information, length, width)
- Those that define the link's directionality: from_node, to_node
- Those that define properties in the direction of travel: capacity, free flow speed, number of lanes, permitted uses, grade, facility type
node A list of vertices that locate points on a map. Typically, they will represent intersections, but may also represent other points, such as a transition between divided and undivided highway. Nodes are the endpoints of a link (as opposed to the other type of vertex, location, which is used to represent points along a link) True
geometry The geometry is an optional file that contains geometry information (shapepoints) for a line object. It is similar to Geometries in the SharedStreets reference system. The specification also allows for geometry information to be stored directly on the link table. False
lane The lane file allocates portions of the physical right-of-way that might be used for travel. It might be a travel lane, bike lane, or a parking lane. Lanes only are included in directed links; undirected links are assumed to have no lane controls or directionality. If a lane is added, dropped, or changes properties along the link, those changes are recorded on the segment_link table. Lanes are numbered sequentially, starting at either the centerline (two-way street) or the left shoulder (one-way street or divided highway with two centerlines). False
link_tod Handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on links False
location A location is a vertex that is associated with a specific location along a link. Locations may be used to represent places where activities occur (e.g., driveways and bus stops). Its attributes are nearly the same as those for a node, except that the location includes an associated link and node, with location specified as distance along the link from the node. False
movement Describes how inbound and outbound links connect at an intersection. False
movement_tod Handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on movements. False
use_definition The Use_Definition file defines the characteristics of each vehicle type or non-travel purpose (e.g., a shoulder or parking lane). A two-way left turn lane (TWLTL) is also a use. False
use_group Defines groupings of uses, to reduce the size of the allowed_uses lists in the other tables. False
time_set_definitions The time_set_definitions file is an optional representation of time-of-day and day-of-week sets to enable time restrictions through _tod files. False
segment A portion of a link defined by link_id,ref_node_id, start_lr, and end_lr. Values in the segment will override they value specified in the link table. When one segment is fully contained within another, its value prevails. False
segment_lane Defines added and dropped lanes, and changes to lane parameters. If a lane is added, it has no parent. If it is changed or dropped, the parent_lane_id field keys to the associated lane on the lane table. False
signal_controller The signal controller is associated with an intersection or a cluster of intersections. False
signal_coordination Establishes coordination for several signal controllers, associated with a timing_plan. False
signal_phase_mvmt Associates Movements and pedestrian Links (e.g., crosswalks) with signal phases. A signal phase may be associated with several movements. A Movement may also run on more than one phase. False
signal_timing_plan For signalized nodes, establishes timing plans. False
signal_timing_phase For signalized nodes, provides signal timing and establishes phases that may run concurrently. False
signal_detector A signal detector is associated with a controller, a phase and a group of lanes. False
segment_tod An optional file that handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on segments. It is used for part-time changes in segment capacity and number of lanes. False
lane_tod An optional file that handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on lanes that traverse entire links. False
segment_lane_tod An optional file that handles day-of-week and time-of-day restrictions on lanes within segments of links. False
zone Locates zones (travel analysis zones, parcels) on a map. Zones are represented as polygons in geographic information systems. False

File components for GMNS are specified in gmns.spec.json in a format compatible with the frictionless data data package standard.

Example gmns.spec.json:

  "profile": "gmns-data-package",
  "name": "my-dataset",
  "resources": [
     "path": "link.csv",
     "schema": "link.schema.json",
     "required": true
     "path": "node.csv",
     "schema": "node.schema.json",
     "required": true

Data Table Schemas

Data table schemas are specified in JSON and are compatible with the frictionless data table schema standards.


    "primaryKey": "segment_id",
    "missingValues": ["NaN",""],
    "fields": [
            "name": "segment_id",
            "type": "any",
            "description": "Primary key.",
            "constraints": {
              "required": true,
              "unique": true
            "name": "link_id",
            "type": "any",
            "description": "Required. Foreign key to link table. The link that the segment is located on.",
            "foreign_key": "link.link_id",
            "constraints": {
              "required": true
            "name": "ref_node_id",
            "type": "any",
            "description": "Required. Foreign key to node.",
            "foreign_key": "node.node_id",
            "constraints": {
              "required": true
            "name": "start_lr",
            "type": "number",
            "description": "Required. Distance from ref_node_id.",
            "constraints": {
              "required": true,
              "minimum": 0
            "name": "end_lr",
            "type": "number",
            "description": "Required. Distance from ref_node_id.",
            "constraints": {
              "required": true,
              "minimum": 0


name required type foreign_key description constraints maximum constraints minimum
timing_plan_id True any - Primary key. - -
controller_id True any Table: signal_controller, Variable: controller_id Required. Foreign key (signal_controller table). - -
timeday_id - any Table: time_set_definitions, Variable: timeday_id Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). Foreign key to time_set_definitions. - -
time_day - any - Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times. - -
cycle_length - number - Cycle length in seconds. 600 0


name required type foreign_key description constraints enum constraints maximum constraints minimum warnings maximum warnings minimum
segment_id True any - Primary key. - - - - -
link_id True any Table: link, Variable: link_id Required. Foreign key to road_links. The link that the segment is located on. - - - - -
ref_node_id True any Table: node, Variable: node_id Required. Foreign key to node where distance is 0. - - - - -
start_lr True number - Required. Distance from ref_node_id in short_length units. - - 0 - -
end_lr True number - Required. Distance from ref_node_idin short_length units. - - 0 - -
grade - number - % grade, negative is downhill - 100 -100 25 -25
capacity - number - Optional. Capacity (veh/hr/ln) - - 0 - -
free_speed - number - Optional. Free flow speed in long_length units per hour - 200 0 120 1
lanes - integer - Optional. Number of lanes in the direction of travel (must be consistent with link lanes + lanes added). - - - - -
l_lanes_added - integer - Optional. # of lanes added on the left of the road link (negative indicates a lane drop). - - - - -
l_lanes_added - integer - Optional. # of lanes added on the left of the road link (negative indicates a lane drop). - - - - -
r_lanes_added - integer - Optional. # of lanes added on the right of the road link (negative indicates a lane drop). - - - - -
bike_facility - string - Optional. Type of bicycle accommodation: unknown, none,wcl, bikelane,cycletrack,wide_shoulder, offstreet_path. Allowed Values: unknown,none,wcl,bikelane,cycletrack,wide_shoulder,offstreet_path - - - -
ped_facility - string - Optional. Type of pedestrian accommodation:unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path. Allowed Values: unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path - - - -
parking - string - Optional. Type of parking: unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path. Allowed Values: unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path - - - -
allowed_uses - string - Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated. - - - - -
toll - number - Optional. Toll on the segment, in currency units. - - - - -
jurisdiction - string - Optional. Optional. Owner/operator of the segment. - - - - -
row_width - number - Optional. Width (short_length units) of the entire right-of-way (both directions). - - 0 - 10


name required type foreign_key description constraints enum constraints maximum constraints minimum
segment_lane_id True any - Primary key. - - -
segment_id True any Table: segment, Variable: segment_id Required. Foreign key to the associated segment. - - -
lane_num True integer - Required. -1, 1, 2 (use left-to-right numbering). 0 signifies a lane that is dropped on the segment. - 10 -10
parent_lane_id - any - Optional. If a lane drops or changes characteristics on the segment, the lane_id for that lane. - - -
allowed_uses - string - Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated. - - -
r_barrier - string - Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right (default is none) Allowed Values: none,regulatory,physical - -
l_barrier - string - Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the left (default is none) Allowed Values: none,regulatory,physical - -
width - number - Optional. Width of the lane (short_length units) - - 0


name required type foreign_key description
detector_id True any - Primary key.
controller_id True any Table: signal_controller, Variable: controller_id Required. Foreign key to signal_controller table.
signal_phase_num True integer - Required. Number of the associated phase.
link_id True any Table: link, Variable: link_id Foreign key. The link covered by the detector.
start_lane True integer - Left-most lane covered by the detector.
end_lane - integer - Right-most lane covered by the detector (blank if only one lane).
ref_node_id True any Table: node, Variable: node_id The detector is on the approach to this node.
det_zone_lr True number - Required. Distance from from the stop bar to detector in short_length units.
det_zone_front - number - Optional. Linear reference of front of detection zone in short_length units.
det_zone_back - number - Optional. Linear reference of back of detection zone in short_length units.
det_type - string - Optional. Type of detector.


name required type foreign_key description constraints enum
mvmt_tod_id True any - Primary key. -
mvmt_id True any Table: movement, Variable: mvmt_id The referenced movement. -
time_day - string - Time of day in XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM format, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times. -
timeday_id - any Table: timeday, Variable: timeday_id Time of day set. Used if times-of-day are defined on the time_set_definitions table -
ib_link_id True any Table: link, Variable: link_id Inbound link id. -
start_ib_lane - integer - Innermost lane number the movement applies to at the inbound end. -
end_ib_lane - integer - Outermost lane number the movement applies to at the inbound end. Blank indicates a movement with a single inbound lane. -
ob_link_id True any Table: link, Variable: link_id Outbound link id. -
start_ob_lane - integer - Innermost lane number the movement applies to at the outbound end. -
end_ob_lane - integer - Outermost lane number the movement applies to at the outbound end. Blank indicates a movement with a single outbound lane. -
type True string - Optional. Describes the type of movement (left, right, thru, etc.). Allowed Values: left,right,uturn,thru,merge
penalty - number - Turn penalty (seconds) -
capacity - number - Capacity in vehicles per hour. -
ctrl_type - any - Optional. . Allowed Values: no_control,yield,stop,stop_2_way,stop_4_way,signal_with_RTOR,signal
mvmt_code - string - Optional. Movement code (e.g., SBL). Syntax is DDTN, where DD is the direction (e.g., SB, NB, EB, WB, NE, NW, SE, SW). T is the turning movement (e.g., R, L, T) and N is an optional turning movement number (e.g., distinguishing between bearing right and a sharp right at a 6-way intersection) -
allowed_uses - string - Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated. -


name required type foreign_key description
timeday_id True any - Primary key.Primary key, similar to service_id in GTFS. Unique name of the time of day. Preferable legible rather than a number.
monday True boolean - Required. Whether Mondays are included.
tuesday True boolean - Required. Whether Tuesdays are included.
wednesday True boolean - Required. Whether Wednesdays are included.
thursday True boolean - Required. Whether Thursdays are included.
Friday True boolean - Required. Whether Fridays are included.
saturday True boolean - Required. Whether Saturdays are included.
sunday True boolean - Required. Whether Sundays are included.
holiday True boolean - Required. Whether holidays are included.
start_time True time - Required. Start time in HH:MM format.
end_time True time - Required. End time in HH:MM format.


name required type foreign_key description constraints enum constraints maximum constraints minimum
segment_lane_tod_id True any - Primary key. - - -
segment_lane_id True any Table: segment_lane, Variable: segment_lane_id Required. Foreign key, segment_lane table - - -
timeday_id - any Table: time_set_definitions, Variable: timeday_id Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). Foreign key to time_set_definitions. - - -
time_day - string - Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times. - - -
lane_num True integer - Required. Lane number identified as offset to the right from the centerline. i.e. -1, 1, 2 (use left-to-rightnumbering). - 10 -10
allowed_uses - string - Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated. - - -
r_barrier - string - Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
- none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
- Regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
- Physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
Allowed Values: none,regulatory,physical - -
l_barrier - string - Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
- none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
- Regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
- Physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
Allowed Values: none,regulatory,physical - -
width - number - Optional. Width of the lane, short_length units. - - 0


name required type foreign_key description constraints maximum constraints minimum
timing_phase_id True any - Primary key. - -
timing_plan_id - any Table: signal_timing_plan, Variable: timing_plan_id Foreign key; connects to a timing_plan associated with a controller. - -
signal_phase_num True integer - Signal phase number. Typically the NEMA phase number. - 0
min_green - number - The minimum green time in seconds for an actuated signal. Green time in seconds for a fixed time signal. - 0
max_green - number - Optional.The maximum green time in seconds for an actuated signal; the default is minimum green plus one extension - 0
extension - number - Optional. The number of seconds the green time is extended each time vehicles are detected. 120 0
clearance - number - Yellow interval plus all red interval 120 0
walk_time - number - If a pedestrian phase exists, the walk time in seconds 120 0
ped_clearance - number - If a pedestrian phase exists, the flashing don't walk time. 120 0
ring True integer - Required. Set of phases that conflict with each other. 12 0
barrier True integer - Required. Set of phases that can operate other. 12 0
position True integer - Required. Position. - -


name required type foreign_key description constraints enum
mvmt_id True any - Primary key. -
node_id True any Table: node, Variable: node_id The node representing the junction. -
name - string - Optional. -
ib_link_id True any Table: link, Variable: link_id Inbound link id. -
start_ib_lane - integer - Innermost lane number the movement applies to at the inbound end. -
end_ib_lane - integer - Outermost lane number the movement applies to at the inbound end. Blank indicates a movement with a single inbound lane. -
ob_link_id True any Table: link, Variable: link_id Outbound link id. -
start_ob_lane - integer - Innermost lane number the movement applies to at the outbound end. -
end_ob_lane - integer - Outermost lane number the movement applies to at the outbound end. Blank indicates a movement with a single outbound lane. -
type True string - Optional. Describes the type of movement (left, right, thru, etc.). Allowed Values: left,right,uturn,thru,merge,diverge
penalty - number - Turn penalty (seconds) -
capacity - number - Capacity in vehicles per hour. -
ctrl_type - string - Optional. . Allowed Values: no_control,yield,stop,stop_2_way,stop_4_way,signal_with_RTOR,signal
mvmt_code - string - Optional. Movement code (e.g., SBL). Syntax is DDTN, where DD is the direction (e.g., SB, NB, EB, WB, NE, NW, SE, SW). T is the turning movement (e.g., R, L, T) and N is an optional turning movement number (e.g., distinguishing between bearing right and a sharp right at a 6-way intersection) -
allowed_uses - string - Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated. -
geometry - any - Optional. Movement geometry, in well-known text (WKT) format. Optionally, other formats supported by geopandas (GeoJSON, PostGIS) may be used if specified in geometry_field_format in gmns.spec.json -


name required type foreign_key description
controller_id True any - Primary key.


name required type foreign_key description constraints minimum
use True string - Primary key -
persons_per_vehicle True number - Required. 0
pce True number - Required. Passenger car equivalent. 0
special_conditions - string - Optional. -
description - string - Optional -


name required type foreign_key description
zone_id True any - Primary key.
name - string - Optional.
boundary - any - Optional. The polygon geometry of the zone in WKT or Polygon.
super_zone - string Variable: zone_id Optional. If there is a hierarchy of zones (e.g., parcels and TAZs), indicates the zone of next higher level.


name required type foreign_key description constraints enum constraints maximum constraints minimum
lane_id True any - Primary key - - -
link_id True any Table: link, Variable: link_id Required. Foreign key to link table. - - -
lane_num True integer - Required. e.g., -1, 1, 2 (use left-to-right numbering). - 10 -10
allowed_uses - string - Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated. - - -
r_barrier - string - Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
- none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
- regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
- physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
Allowed Values: none,regulatory,physical - -
l_barrier - string - Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
- none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
- regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
- physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
Allowed Values: none,regulatory,physical - -
width - number - Optional. Width of the lane, short_length units. - - 0


name required type foreign_key description constraints enum constraints maximum constraints minimum
signal_phase_mvmt_id True any - Primary key. - - -
controller_id True any Table: signal_controller, Variable: controller_id Associated controller. - - -
signal_phase_num True integer - Each phase has one or more Movements associated with it. - 32 0
mvmt_id - any Table: movement, Variable: mvmt_id Foreign key. Either Movement_ID (for phases used by vehicles), or Link_id (for phases used by pedestrians) is required. - - -
link_id - any Table: link, Variable: link_id Foreign key. Either Movement_ID (for phases used by vehicles), or Link_id (for phases used by pedestrians) is required. - - -
protection - string - Optional. Indicates whether the phase is protected, permitted, or right turn on red. Allowed Values: protected,permitted,rtor - -


name required type foreign_key description constraints enum constraints maximum constraints minimum
coordination_id True any - Primary key. - - -
timing_plan_id True any Table: signal_timing_plan, Variable: timing_plan_id Required. Foreign key (Signal_timing_plan table). - - -
controller_id True any Table: signal_controller, Variable: controller_id Required. Foreign key (signal_controller table). - - -
coord_contr_id - any Table: signal_controller, Variable: controller_id Optional. For coordinated signals, the master signal controller for coordination. - - -
coord_phase - integer - Optional. For coordinated signals, the phase at which coordination starts (time 0). - 32 0
coord_ref_to - string - Optional. For coordinated signals, the part of the phase where coordination starts: begin_of_green, begin_of_yellow, begin_of_red. Allowed Values: begin_of_green,begin_of_yellow,begin_of_red - -
offset - number - Optional. Offset in seconds. - - 0


name required type foreign_key description
geometry_id True any - Primary key - could be SharedStreets Geometry ID
geometry - any - Link geometry, in well-known text (WKT) format. Optionally, other formats supported by geopandas (GeoJSON, PostGIS) may be used if specified in geometry_field_format in gmns.spec.json.


name required type foreign_key description constraints enum
node_id True any - Primary key -
name - string - -
x_coord True number - Coordinate system specified in config file (longitude, UTM-easting etc.) -
y_coord True number - Coordinate system specified in config file (latitude, UTM-northing etc.) -
z_coord - number - Optional. Altitude in short_length units. -
node_type - string - Optional. What it represents (intersection, transit station, park & ride). -
ctrl_type - string - Optional. Intersection control type - one of ControlType_Set. Allowed Values: none,yield,stop,4_stop,signal
zone_id - any Table: zone, Variable: zone_id Optional. Could be a Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ) or city, or census tract, or census block. -
parent_node_id - any Variable: node_id Optional. Associated node. For example, if this node is a sidewalk, a parent_nodek_id could represent the intersection it is associated with. -


name required type foreign_key description constraints enum constraints maximum constraints minimum warnings maximum warnings minimum
segment_tod_id True any - Primary key. - - - - -
segment_id True any Table: segment, Variable: segment_id Foreign key to segment table. - - - - -
timeday_id - any Table: time_set_definitions, Variable: timeday_id Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). Foreign key to time_set_definitions. - - - - -
time_day - string - Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times. - - - - -
capacity - number - Optional. Capacity (veh/hr/ln) - - 0 - -
free_speed - number - Optional. Free flow speed in short_length units per hour - 200 0 120 1
lanes - integer - Optional. Number of lanes in the direction of travel (must be consistent with link lanes + lanes added). - - - - -
l_lanes_added - integer - Optional. # of lanes added on the left of the road link (negative indicates a lane drop). - - - - -
r_lanes_added - integer - Optional. # of lanes added on the right of the road link (negative indicates a lane drop). - - - - -
bike_facility - string - Optional. Type of bicycle accommodation: unknown, none,wcl, bikelane,cycletrack,wide_shoulder, offstreet_path. Allowed Values: unknown,none,wcl,bikelane,cycletrack,wide_shoulder,offstreet_path - - - -
ped_facility - string - Optional. Type of pedestrian accommodation: unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path. Allowed Values: unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path - - - -
parking - string - Optional. Type of parking: unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path. Allowed Values: unknown,none,shoulder,sidewalk,offstreet_path - - - -
toll - number - Optional. Toll in currency units - - - - -
allowed_uses - string - Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated. - - - - -


name required type foreign_key description constraints minimum
loc_id True any - Primary key. Location ID. -
link_id True any Table: link, Variable: link_id Required. Road Link ID. Foreign Key from Road_Link. -
ref_node_id True any Table: node, Variable: node_id Required. The From node of the link. Foreign Key from Node. -
lr True number - Required. Linear Reference of the location, measured as distance in short_length units along the link from the reference node. If link_geometry exists, it is used. Otherwise, link geometry is assumed to be a crow-fly distance from A node to B node. 0
x_coord - number - Optional. Either provided, or derived from Link, Ref_Node and LR. -
y_coord - number - Optional. Either provided, or derived from Link, Ref_Node and LR. -
z_coord - number - Optional. Altitude in short_length units. -
loc_type - string - Optional. What it represents (driveway, bus stop, etc.) OpenStreetMap map feature names are recommended. -
zone_id - any - Optional. Foreign Key, Associated zone -
gtfs_stop_id - string - Optional. Foreign Key to GTFS data. For bus stops and transit station entrances, provides a link to the General Transit Feed Specification. -


name required type foreign_key description constraints enum constraints maximum constraints minimum
lane_tod_id True any - Primary key. - - -
lane_id True any Table: lane, Variable: lane_id Required. Foreign key to lane - - -
timeday_id - any Table: time_set_definitions, Variable: timeday_id Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). Foreign key to time_set_definitions. - - -
time_day - string - Conditionally required (either timeday_id or time_day). XXXXXXXX_HHMM_HHMM, where XXXXXXXX is a bitmap of days of the week, Sunday-Saturday, Holiday. The HHMM are the start and end times. - - -
lane_num True integer - Required. Lane number identified as offset to the right from the centerline. i.e. -1, 1, 2 (use left-to-rightnumbering). - 10 -10
allowed_uses - string - Optional. Set of allowed uses that should appear in either the use_definition or use_group tables; comma-separated. - - -
r_barrier - string - Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
- none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
- Regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
- Physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
Allowed Values: none,regulatory,physical - -
l_barrier - string - Optional. Whether a barrier exists to prevent vehicles from changing lanes to the right.
- none (the default). Indicates that a vehicle can change lanes, provided that the vehicle-type is permitted in the destination lane
- Regulatory. There is a regulatory prohibition (e.g., a double-white solid line) against changing lanes, but no physical barrier
- Physical. A physical barrier (e.g., a curb, Jersey barrier) is in place.
Allowed Values: none,regulatory,physical - -
width - number - Optional. Width of the lane, short_length units. - - 0


name required type foreign_key description
use_group True string - Primary key.
uses True string - Comma-separated list of uses.
description - string - Optional.